Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter Coldness!

So Christmas with the family was awesome. Just opening presents with the family, and having a yummy dinner; and just being able to be lazy all day and not have to go anywhere! Ah it was nice! Saturday I went to lunch with friends from high school; and then I went shopping which was a lot of fun. Then I went and watch Invictus with a friend in my ward. That was such a good movie, the ending kind of dragged on a bit, but it was fun to get out of the house!

Sunday went to church, then came home had dinner with my family. Then we had family home evening and the lesson was very good. It was on Ann M. Dibb her talk was called Hold On. She quoted President Monson and he said "Remember that you are entitled to our (Heavenly) Father's blessings in this work. He did not call you to your privileged post to walk alone, without guidance, trusting to luck. On the contrary, He knows your skill, He realizes your devotion, and he will convert your suspposed inadequacies to recognized strengths. He has promised: 'I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up' " ("Sugar Beets and the Worth of a Soul," Liahona, July 2009, 3-4; Ensign, July 2009, 5-6).

When I read something like that I feel so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, it also gives me a lot of hope to keep holding on, and if we do the best that we can and keep our covenants then our testimonies will be strengthened . I also loved the quote " We must hold on tight to the iron rod and never let go."

Today I went with my mother and watched the Blind Side and that is such a good movie. It dealt with Christian values which I thought was awesome and I should do better in my own life, because I know better!

It also has been really cold where I live. I also enrolled for another semester of school, I just hope I have enough money!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So Tinsel!

Well I thought since I have time now and I am not longer stressing about my final project, because yay, at last it is done and over with. Now all I have to worry about is the test. So as long as I study for the test it should go well for me!

Halloween was a lot of fun the day before Halloween I went and saw a show with a few friends and afterwards we went to Denny's so that was a lot of fun. Halloween I spent with my family doing trunk or treat at my family ward stake house. It was a lot of fun seeing all the little kids dressed up in their costumes! Then I went over to a friends house and had a little party then we went out to a show and it was fun to go with friends in my ward.

November I got sick and was out of work for 4 days; went to the doctor got some meds and then felt better. Thanksgiving came and that was a lot of fun. I got to see my family and eat dinner with them, it was nice to just spend free time with them. Had some pie and played games with my family!

Now it's December and Christmas is just 15 days away I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. It's also really, really cold here; at least there is snow on the ground, it's going to snow more this weekend and I hope it does. I still need to do some Christmas shopping. I want to make cookies for this season I just hope I have time to do it all. I need to got to the temple I haven't gone yet this week. I will need to go by tomorrow because I don't like going on Saturday it's too busy. So just one test next Tuesday and then I will be done with school for the semester! It's so pretty now that we have snow on the ground, it makes me happy!!