Well I got my wish I was able to go on at road trip and have a vacation!! I went to Calgary Alberta, Canada! I left Wednesday night with my friend Jen, and three others. We made a short stop in Idaho Falls and got to look at the Temple and grabbed something to eat. It was really awesome to get to see the Idaho Falls Temple at night! Driving through Montana at night was pretty neat; the stars were so beautiful that it made me want to cry! As we were driving through Montana we see this white light on the mountain, so my friend Kar and I were wondering what it was; and in the back seat Jen kept on saying that it was Mary, but we thought that she was talking about something else, so finally I asked Jen, "Jen what is that big bright light on the mountain," and she says "It's Mary," and then it finally dawns on us that it's a statue of the the Virgin Mary on the mountain; and we just start cracking up laughing, it was so funny!! Then we got into Alberta around 5am and it was freezing cold!! Then we got into Calgary, and we got fed breakfast at one of Jen's friends house, which was really nice! Then I went with Jen and we visited some of her family which was a lot of fun! Jen and I got fed dinner at her brother's house and then they taught me how to play poker, we only played for fun though! I won a few hands! Jen and myself had fun with her nieces and nephews at her brothers house, jumping on the trampoline, I have forgotten how much fun a trampoline is.
Then the next day we went to the Calgary Olympic Park where they have the ski jumps and the bobsled track, and that was neat; they also had a Hall of Fame and a Museum. Then I went with Jen and her mom and we watched Angels and Demons; and then we went out to dinner along with Jen's dad to Montana's; the food was to die for! It was so yummy, we so need a Montana's in the valley!! Then I with Jen to a friends house and we played a game and that was a lot of fun. So Saturday we went to Banff National Park and it was so beautiful!! First though we stopped at Cougar Creek and we went on a hike and we also got to play in the water which was fun, I did get a sun burn. Then we finally got to Banff and had dinner; the down town area looks like Jackson Hole. Then we finally got to see some sites. We saw the Bow Falls and the Banff Springs Hotel, and Lake Moraine and Lake Louise both of the lakes were still frozen but still very pretty, at least I thought both lakes were still very beautiful! Then we went back to Calgary to go to bed.
Sunday woke up and went to Jen's student ward that she was in before she moved to Utah. Jen and I went to a fireside. After the fireside we went over to one of her friends place and played catch phrase and what's yours like, so it was a fun night, and over all a good Sunday! Then Monday we went to the Calgary Zoo and that was really cool, and a lot of fun, we didn't have time to see all of it. Then we were going to leave that Monday night, but my friend Jen got sick so we didn't leave until Tuesday morning. So the drive back down was cool; and I am happy that I got to see some of the Montana mountains in the day light. Montana is just beautiful!!!
I happy that I got to go to Alberta, and I met some really amazing people while I was up there! I would really love to go back again this year if I could. But with school in the fall I don't think I will be able to go again until next year, which makes me a little sad; I would really like to go up there again and see the Calgary stampede that I keep hearing about! Also I would really like to see all the people that I got to know, again! Ok so I know that this says I posted on Thursday, but it should really say Sunday May 31, 2009!