Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Hotness!!

Wow this year has been pretty crazy, but I have been having a lot of fun! It is still hotter than ever here in Utah, but I prefer it that way I guess that's why I was born in July, because I love the heat! Summer is also my favorite season and the 4th is one of my favorite holidays!! Well I went to a party at my good friend Aimee's house and I went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house and that was really neat it is such a beautiful temple. I also did visiting teaching I still have one more girl to visit teach and then I will be done for the month, I do also need to go to the temple.

I also went with my ward up to Brighton for an activity we hiked up to Lake Solitude and then had dutch oven dinner and dessert! It was a lot of fun. Church was really good last week and this week. I really liked the story that Manelle shared in Relief Society about her mom; I just feel really bad because I was late but most of the time I am always late for church, I hate it I don't like or want to be late. Katie's lesson in Sunday school was good as well, I just hate it when I don't make any comments. Then it was guess who's coming to dinner I went to Jeff's house and we had tacos and it was really yummy! Also Hiram taught us how to breathe fire, and that was pretty neat; we also played a card game which was a lot of fun!

I was also dating a boy but things got way out of hand and so I broke up with him; which I am very happy that I did, because it just didn't feel right. But now I like another boy in my ward and I am not sure that he likes me. I think he used to like me, but now I am not so sure; so now it's kind of a wait and see if he gets that I am flirting with him, and hopefully it will be sooner rather than later, because I would like go out with him. I also might have another date with another boy that I met at my friends house at a party, that is if he ever calls me; it will be fun to see how that plays out.

The 24th is coming up this week which should be fun! My family and I usually go to the parade and then have dinner and have fun with fireworks! But this year I think we are just going to have a dinner and party and then have fun with fireworks; which is fine with me because then I get to sleep in! Saturday I will probably make plans with friends; so this week should be good I hope! Work will be lame but what is new about that, I usually find fun at work so it shouldn't be too bad! I also went a watched Harry Potter 6 opening night at 12am with some friends in my ward it was a lot of fun, but I was so out of it and tired when it was over! It was a good movie I wouldn't mind watching it again in the theater!!

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